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All information based on latest information provided by PG&E and may not be accurate.
Previous dashboard presented to City Council on Nov 25, 2019 (Link: Presentation)
Is PG&E operating their gas transmission pipelines in the safest manner?
Given the CPSI/tree program and exposed pipe issues, it appears PG&E's existing programs fail to identify and mitigate threats in a way that maximizes public safety,
PG&E says they evaluate risk based on risk to the company personnel and property. Communities see it differently and instead consider risk to homes, people, and the environment. Also, PG&E's primary focus on programs is insufficient for identifying and mitigating actual local risks such as leaning trees over pipelines and accessibility of manual valves.
PG&E has the worst safety record of its peers in the United States according to federal data.
PG&E spent $500 Million on tree removal above buried pipelines without any measurable benefit.
PG&E's emphasis on maintenance of their infrastructure (gas and electrical) over upgrading and replacing may be placing communities at greater risk.
“They have simply been caught red-handed over and over again, lying, manipulating or misleading the public,” Mr. Newsom said in an interview. “They cannot be trusted.”
- Governor Gavin Newsom, March 18, 2019

Lafayette's Safety concerns:
Poorly maintained exposed pipelines
In-line inspections not performed on each aging pipeline
60% of pipelines not strength tested
Proven inadequate High Consequence Area identification
Insufficient number of automated shut-off valves
Prioritization of tree removal programs over testing & fixes
Aging pipelines (70+ yrs old), and unknown manufacturing conditions
Multiple CPUC violations issued in Lafayette
PG&E refuses to perform tree root & pipeline interaction study
Data issues with PG&E records regarding depth & location of pipeline in Lafayette
Increasing number of dig-in accidents on gas lines within Lafayette, more than one per month

PG&E incidents are rising, led by increased excavation accidents caused by third parties and PG&E employees/contractors

Lafayette is unique in that 11 miles of the transmission gas pipeline runs though the highest risk wildfire zones in the Bay Area.
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